Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Spring in Your September

Hey guys!

We've been working busily for the past few days - cutting, gluing, cutting, gluing and then some more cutting and gluing - to bring to you our September project!

To celebrate Spring, Bella and I will be giving out hand-made flowers today. So if you see two brightly-dressed girls handing out flowers at Castle Hill, you'll know who it is! Feel free to come say hello. =)

Hope everyone's smile is well-oiled and ready for today 'cause Bella and me can't wait!

Happiness Equals Bracket. =)


  1. omg lindy did you mean tomorrow as in thursday or tomorrow as in wednesday T_T.

    ... i want one.

  2. Tiff! I'm so sorry I was so confusing, I was really out of it. =( I edited the post so there wouldn't be any other misunderstandings.

    We gave them out today BUT I made a couple more just then when I saw your comment. =) I made an orange and a blue one but tell me what colour you like and I'll make it. =D
