Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Six Thousand Word Post

HELLO I am the picture girl yay! PICTURES FOR EVERYONE!

Don't mind the fact that we happen to be in almost all the photos. The camera just loves us. =P

Bella and I hope to do this again some time - with more flowers and definitely with creative ways of handing them out! Some ideas we've brainstormed so far:

- successfully throwing a flower through the open window of a car driving by
- sneaking a flower into someone's bag/purse without them noticing
- doing a trade with another person giving out free samples
- leaving one in someone's garden for them to find

If you guys have any suggestions we would definitely love to hear them!

Hope you guys enjoyed these as much as we did! Thank you to all our readers, old and new, who've supported us. =)

Always remember, Happiness Equals Bracket =)


  1. hahaha ok lindy here is your comment, as requested :P

    but yeah NICE WORK GUYS, keep it up :)

  2. OK FINE LINDY. clarification: the above comment (and this one too) was posted completely of my own free will. ;P

    hahahaha seriously though this blog is awesome. keep on putting smiles on people's faces! :)

  3. HAHAHA see I knew it. You totally did want to comment, you were just SCARED.

    But aww thanks for the comments, which were very manly btw. THANK YOU FOR MANLIFY-ING OUR BLOG. =D

  4. pretend to have a heart attack and then give them to whoever comes to help

  5. Ok, so this might be a little random. but i work at the Reject Shop at Castle Towers and as i was cleaning the floors behind the registers after the shop had closed i found a little piece of paper with your blog address on it and the words "Feeling happiee, one smile at a time" and for some reason instead of throwing it in the bin like everything else i pocketed it and remembered it this morning. I dont know what it was that made me keep this scrap of paper but it was inspiring to read through every single blog you have posted.
    I am a people person and enjoy being on registers at work because i feel i can really connect with customers and change there days through even just a smile. I know that customers often make my day! and so this blog is a real encouragement to me to keep smiling and loving the people that come through the store, even on days i dont feel like it.
    Thank you very very much for the encouragement!
    And if you see a guy called Andy/Andrew at the Reject Shop Castle Towers anytime on a monday/Tuesday/Wednesday come and say hi, i wont bite!

  6. person above is awesome (Y)
    + he has an epic name =P

    but yeh, you should totally do what will said and fake some injury or heart attack and everyone that comes gets a flower =D

  7. Andy/Andrew from the Reject Shop! Hi! You don't know how much your comment made my day. Very very very very VERY much, is the answer. =)

    I really love how the world works because someone with one of our flowers must have dropped the tag and you happened to be the one to pick it up!

    And its also really coincidental because I was in the Reject Shop on Monday just this week, shopping for supplies to make our flowers. The world's funny, huh? =P Imagine if I had seen you!

    Next time, I'll definitely come say hi because I think its really awesome you enjoy your job so much. I know for sure that it definitely makes my day when I've been waiting in a long grumpy line and the person at the counter is cheerful and nice. =))

    Thank you so so so so much for taking the time to post such a nice comment, it really inspires Bella and me. Makes us smile and really happy that our blog has encouraged someone. =) I'll be popping by your blog as well, looking forward to reading your opinion on other movies and stuff as well. (=

  8. Oh! And Andy from James Ruse! =P Seeing your comments on almost like every post makes me feel so special haha. =)

    Also, you're free to join us next time we do this . Remember to brush up on your fake-heart-attack skills, though! ;)

  9. Hi to both andys!

    But honestly, just having one person who managed to find their way onto our blog is inexpressibly cool! You have no idea how exciting that is hahha!

    We only wish we could have gotten a picture with you. Also, the reject shop should get some credit since we do go there quite often to get supplies ahah :)

    I'm definitely going to come by and say hi. In fact, you're going to get very sick of me and Lindy, we'll probably come and annoy you to death. Just kidding xD

    And thanks guys for commenting, makes us feel popular WOOT! Especially andy :) I'll say good things about you to trish FOR SURE!

  10. Wow that's so cool!
    Nice work walking into the police station XDDDDDDDD

  11. You two are just simply amazing; your selflessness and dedication to make this rather corrupt world into something better and a place full of hope rather than depression is not only inspiring but ............. hm...there should be a new word in the dictionary for this because NO words i can think of will ever be able to describe you two people (and the many others in the world who do similiar things) ; like Bellindyness or Lindabellany to describe you two.

    You two work so hard and toil endlessly to give something back into the world; something not materialistic but more so onto something deep inside the human soul - happiness.

    And gawd this sounds like some crazy person wrote this up; but seriously, you two are more than amazing! :)

  12. Bryan... just.. wow. Seriously, your continual support is what helps motivate Bella and I - your words always there to encourage us.

    See, if the world was full of more people like you it really would be an awesome world to live in. But, the world right now is alright too. =) Just needs a little push, that's all, and your kindness to EVERYONE is a huge push so, yeah, thanks Bryan. :)

    Haha and I love your made-up words - if only you could write a dictionary, Bryan. ;P I KNOW! One day we should write like a Happiness Dictionary together or something, how cool would that be? =D

    And yeah it did sound like some crazy person wrote that up - some crazily AWESOME and incredibly AMAZING person, that is. Okay, yes I know that was lame but I'm too happy to care right now.

    Hope this reply comment didn't sound too crazy as well! Forgive me, it's 3am in the morning but I just wanted to reply as soon as I read your comment to express how thankful we really are. =))

  13. Just a hint lindy - sometimes NOT staying up til 3am in the morning can make ppl happy xD

    haha but yeah lindy said it all, but all you ppl who actually bother to read this blog makes me feel like we are actually making a difference somehow. So even when we don't feel like doing ANYTHING, you guys inspire us to keep smiling!

    That is the best feeling ever :)


    p.s we actually got mentioned! wooohooo.

  15. Hi Girls,

    I work at Castle Hill Library and received one of your flowers! was very nice and I now have it stuck above my desk. It's been interesting to see what you have been doing. It's also great that you're using the library to "study" and make flowers :)


  16. Hi Erica! :) it's so nice of you to comment! it makes us feel really useful too haaha :D

    thanks, we do aim to use the library for its FULL PURPOSE clearly haha and if you see us around (which i'm sure you will, we love the library) don't forget to say hi!

