You may not all know, but Lindy and I went to New Zealand December last year (I can't believe it was technically last year) to spend five days hiking and living it tough like real women, and five days after that of necessary recuperation and very necessary shopping. I'm not going to lie - it was tough. But it was also an experience in my life that I will always remember, and remember with a smile.
There's something about walking everyday until your legs ache, sleeping knowing the stars are right outside your tent.
There's something about sweating and struggling to climb a mountain, only to be rewarded with a view of every thing beneath. There's something about seeing undisturbed rolling hills as far as the eye can stretch, and impossibly beautiful lakes. It's a good something.
It's a happy something.
Lindy and I tried so many things during that hike which we had never, ever thought we'd ever try. We drank actual real spring water from a waterfall (water never tasted so delicious - I almost thought there was MSG in it)

Not only that, we met people all over the world - Belgian, French, Israeli, English. They weren't all young and they certainly weren't all the same, but they all shared a love for adventure and a belief in simple pleasures.
To achieve true happiness is something that always sounded deep, complex and mysterious to me - but I wonder if being truly happy is very simple.
When I think happiness now, I think back to trudging tiredly into our huts after walking 16km with heavy backpacks - but still having the energy to cheer with everybody else. Huddling close in the rain and shivering - but having friends to huddle with in the first place. Enjoying a hot meal. Running wildly in the long grass and feeling exhilarated and free.
They were all smilelights Lindy and I had, and they were great.

Another great thing was the loveliness of our whole section - the girls section - the cool section :D
There were points in the hike where we were all tired, annoyed and stretched to the end of our limits. But never did anyone give up or complain, and people shouted encouragement continuously. Whenever a hand was needed to climb that step or jump over that gap, it was there. Thank you to all the girls, and Mrs Billing for that. It made everything a million and one times better!

We could probably go on and on and on about this trip.... longer than you'd want to read. But it's enough for now to share our memories and thoughts with all you special people out there. After all, we'll keep working hard....
searching for answers....
...posing our best...

... always on the quest to bring another smile into the world! So these holidays keep safe and enjoy the simple things in life - chilling with friends, being able to laze around whenever you like, tiramisu, all the good stuff in life. Because it's the simple, good stuff that makes us happy.
From your deepest admirers,
Lindy and Bella

Remember, Happiness Equals Bracket
Oooh I wanna try water from a waterfall now XD