Hello and happy new year!
I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. Rest assured though, I've been busy and productive! Oh, just the usual you know... soul searching, being a superhero by night, nothing out of the ordinary.
And, of course, planning for the upcoming Happiness Equals Bracket January Project. ;)
This year, Bella and I have decided we want to include you, our readers, in more of our projects. The more the merrier, right?
So, does becoming a silhouette and jumping in front of a bright coloured background in a lush field of grass and butterflies appeal to you? Are you lured by the temptations of excitement and adventure? Is this beginning to sound like a really bad advertisement?
Well, this is your lucky day then! Because, for the low, low price of... okay I'm just kidding haha. A joke to start off the year and lighten things up. :)
So if you have a little spare time these holidays, why not take this chance to do something new, have a lot fun and get to know other people? We promise lots of excitement, adventure, jumping in front of bright backgrounds and, of course, plenty of smiling .
If you're interested, just send an email to (you guessed it) happinessequalsbracket@gmail.com or comment and we'll talk you through more details! You won't regret it. :)
Keep checking back for more details because Bella and I are determined to make this one of our best projects yet!
As always, Happiness Equals Bracket. =)
This year, Bella and I have decided we want to include you, our readers, in more of our projects. The more the merrier, right?
So, does becoming a silhouette and jumping in front of a bright coloured background in a lush field of grass and butterflies appeal to you? Are you lured by the temptations of excitement and adventure? Is this beginning to sound like a really bad advertisement?
Well, this is your lucky day then! Because, for the low, low price of... okay I'm just kidding haha. A joke to start off the year and lighten things up. :)
So if you have a little spare time these holidays, why not take this chance to do something new, have a lot fun and get to know other people? We promise lots of excitement, adventure, jumping in front of bright backgrounds and, of course, plenty of smiling .
If you're interested, just send an email to (you guessed it) happinessequalsbracket@gmail.com or comment and we'll talk you through more details! You won't regret it. :)
Keep checking back for more details because Bella and I are determined to make this one of our best projects yet!
As always, Happiness Equals Bracket. =)