Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pink Ribbon Day!

On Friday, Bella and I volunteered for Pink Ribbon Day selling at Parramatta Station. If you saw us in our flamboyantly pink gear, spouting the most ridiculous lines to persuade people to buy merchandise... please don't judge us. It's all for a good cause, reputation and coolness be gone! =P

Now, all your preconceptions about volunteering? Throw them out the window. Throw out the "it's so boring", the "I'm too hardcore to volunteer" and, my favourite, the "it'll look good on my resume."

Volunteering isn't about any of those things. It's something so pure and simple - it's almost like medicine for the soul. And, as a bonus, it's fun. =)

After being completely right-out rejected the first few times and having to pick up the broken pieces of our pride (I'm kidding, it wasn't that bad haha), we really started to enjoy ourselves. In fact, Bella and me were having the time of our lives kidding around with everyone we approached.

Just a few of the smilelights included:

- the guy who bought one of the $10 pins. Then, after Bella and me told him it was a good choice and that it attracted the ladies, his friend bought one as well haha. Just a note to all the ladies out there, if you see two young studs with Pink Ribbon Day pins feel free to say hello to them. ;)

- the many people who donated without wanting anything in return.

- the guy who, when we said a pink pin would go perfectly with his black shirt, said "It'll match my undies as well!" and lifted up the bottom of his shirt to reveal the bright pink band of his boxers. I cracked up so hard hahahah.

- this one man who stopped me and seemed a little unstable. He asked me what I was doing whilst clumsily stumbling about a bit . I told him all about Pink Ribbon Day and what we were doing, a little hesitantly. However, after he bought a badge, he stopped us before we went and told us that what we were doing was really really really really really really really really really extremely good and that he was going to tell everyone to buy something. Yes, with that many 'really''s. It turned out to be the oddest, most unique experience of that day.

- joking around with the seemingly scary security guards and, after rebuffing their many excuses, managing to convince them to buy some merchandise haha. Persistence pays off. =P

- just the fact that it was generally the guys (the tougher looking, the better) that seemed to be buying the most merchandise. It was actually really touching and so awesome to see so many people defying stereotypes - hardened tattooed men sweetly buying pins for their girlfriends or seemingly uncaring teenagers supporting the cause.

But don't just take my word for it. Try for yourself. Volunteer.

Just grab a couple of your friends (that way, its not as scary!) and volunteer your little hearts out. None of that "it's boring" or "it'll look good on my resume" business! In fact, if Bella and me hear anything about another event, we'll tell you guys about it. =)

Don't hold back either, comment with events and chances to help as well!

In the meantime, Pink Ribbon Day is coming up on Monday! Buy a pretty pin (there's a $3 ribbon one, a pretty $5 one and this really bling $10 one), a pen (for $6) or a super-cute bear (for $10)! Haha, as you can see, Bella and I are seasoned experts. ;P

Oh, and the cup I fill with my faith in humanity? Overflowing. =)

Until next time, Happiness Equals Bracket. =)


  1. Aww, how sweet of you guys :D

    Hahaha the undies man XD

    And good job for getting the security guys to buy stuff~


    Volunteering was mightily fun (:
    It was also fun eating yummy food afterwards and meeting the random people that also volunteer just for fun.


  3. HAHA I know I laughed so hard as well when he showed us his bright pink boxers. =P

    And thanks for always commenting Rosanna. I love how you always pop up every few posts and just drop us a few comments. Always makes me smile! =)

  4. CHEESEBALL, ME?! How dare you!!! You will regret saying that in double English tomorrow, I will cheeseball the butt out of you! I'll keep repeating "sine WHAT?" into your ear haha. :)

    Haha no it WAS mighty mighty fun, thanks for telling us about it Na-Young. When I get time I'll edit the post to give credit to you. =D

  5. You're welcome ^^
    It's a very cool blog after all~ =D

  6. Pink Ribbon Day was awesome =)=)

    Yes I know I was selling behind the table so I didn't have as intimidating a job as you, but there were still uber sweet and generous people =). And you forgot the last smilelight of when we were packing up and you and me were trying to lift up the table and failing, so Bella replaced me and we were still failing and this random guy comes along picks it up with one hand like it's the lightest thing in the world and carries it for us LOL<3

  7. Oh my gosh I remember that, Liz. That guy was so nice! I'll defintely add that in when I get time, thanks. And yeah! We should start volunteering more often. =)
